Sunday, July 23, 2017

This Mommy Loves the Savior

This week has been really great. Vacation throws you off a bit, but I finally feel like I am finding a foothold in Mommyhood. It did help that I had a nice long break. :)

Today's thoughts are about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yes, I know this is a mommy blog, but I KNOW I wouldn't be where I am without my Savior. I feel this is a debatable topic right now with alot of people, but this is my blog, and I am only here to express how I feel.

I was raised a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints, sometimes called the Mormon Church. Growing up in the south was difficult because so many people, including friends I went to school with, thought I wasn't Christian. That was really offensive to me at the time because Jesus Christ is the at the center of my faith. But as I've grown older, I have kind of stopped caring about what others think I think, and I have focused only on how I think.

As a little girl, my parents raised me to be kind to others no matter who they are and what they believe, and I really hope that as a mom, I am instilling all of those same values in my boys. The Savior exemplifies all that a person should be: kind to all, giving, humble, prayerful, thoughtful, prone to serve others instead of self, loving, obedient. I could go on, but really, it was more effective to read and learn when I was self-motivated to find those answers.

But I think about how I was raised, and by no means am I close to being perfect, but I am so much better off because of the teachings of Christ. The other day I was at the park with the boys and there was a group of teens behind me. Every other word out of his mouth was a cussword and in the five minutes I was in line in front of them I heard conversations about discrimination, rape, shooting someone, and a slew of other things I'd rather not mention on a mommy blog. Maybe I am ignorant, or choose to surround myself with good things, but I was shocked to hear teens talk so flippantly about such careless things.

I felt bad for judging them once I had moved away from the situation, but then it got me thinking about how they had even gotten that way. How could someone ever teach their children to be okay talking about such filth? But then I am reminded that everyone is raised differently and who are we to judge someone's journey.

And in that moment, I was so grateful I was taught the Savior's way about kindness, charity, and virtue. Sure, you can teach your children this without having a faith in anything, but how much of it will stick if they do not have a perfect example to follow. Jesus was perfect in all that he did, and although tempted, never succumbed. He is the example we look to when we need to know how to respond to a situation. Even mortal men cannot do that at all times and in all places. We are weak as human beings and I for one would not want to be the person that my children always looked to. They would learn some pretty horrible habits that I constantly work on. But the Savior, He has shown us the way. He is the Light and the Way. He is our brother, our friend, and our Savior and I am so glad my children will always have Him to look to.

I love these words of the Savior.
Doubt not. Fear Not.
For I am the way, the Truth, and the Life.
And in him, we shall have everlasting Life.

Mommies, it is tough out there and we need all the help we can get to help our little ones make it through the storms and trials just waiting for them. I can't close this post off without encouraging those of you that don't know your Savior to begin that process. Get on your knees and pray. Knock and He will open the door to everlasting life, a life that is so incredible, you cannot imagine its wonders.

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