Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Technology is the Killer of Mom Dreams

Today seems rougher than before. I don't want this blog to turn into a whine fest, so I'll just leave it at that. Today it will just be one of the biggest challenges I have as a mom.

The boys got a playground set from Mimi and Papa and was much needed because we have nothing in the backyard...nothing. Don't judge my grass. I know it's dead. I care more about the doors that won't close correctly in my house more than I care about dead grass. (There are five to be exact that won't close.) Some perspective for you. Papa put the swing set up before we left for Texas, and yesterday was the first time they actually played on it for more than five minutes. It is somewhat of a relief to have something for them to play with in the backyard. Going places has been nice at times, but I'm worn out of going places.

It's a lot of trucking around when you've got babies that don't know how to buckle themselves or even open the car door for that matter. But seriously, after ten minutes of playing, Freddy was bored. Of course Cameron loved it and didn't want to come inside, but that's the difference between my boys. You gotta love that they had no interest in actually swinging, only hanging off of them facing opposite ways.

Freddy is totally content to sit on the couch and watch TV for hours, but by the first hour, Cameron is done. Some parents might think having a child like Freddy is a dream. He sits quietly, watches show after show, but his inability to play really bothers me. I would much rather he be interested in playing in his room for hours, reading books, wanting to dig in the dirt. Everything Cameron loves to do. But instead, if the TV is not on, he is continuously asking me when it's going to be on. I do monitor the time the boys watch TV, but if he earns it through do learning activities, how can I keep it away? He is starting to play better in his room now that I have literally forced him to be in there with a "Don't come out here again" speech.

I don't get it. I used to love to play when I was little. You couldn't keep me inside unless one of my favorite Disney shows were on...but even then, I wasn't obsessed with watching them. I'd rather be swimming, climbing trees, playing with friends, etc, than cooped up inside.

(Probably why I am going a little bonkers) Yes, I know what you're thinking....then get outside and do things. That is harder than it sounds. Packing a bag sufficient for keeping my TV addicted kid interested, a bag of snacks to keep my food-obsessed other little kid happy, and then trucking them around from place to place, only to have them scream and yell and embarrass you in front of strangers you never cared about before until now. One's a terrible two...and the other is still asking when the TV will go on once we get home. See my dilemma? I know it's a different generation of kids, one more addicted to technology than ever before, but it really keeps moms inside and drives us nuts.

Last week when we drove to Texas with my dad, I made the mistake of bringing the TV for him to watch. I mentioned at the beginning of the trip that we would not watch a movie for the 20 hours we were trapped together in that tiny car. No, no, no.

But do you know, Mother Nature was not on my side most of the trip. Instead of wanting to look out the window at the majestic beauty of this earth, Freddy refused and looked down at his feet instead, just to be obstinate. We eventually had to start timing him. Ten minutes of looking out the window at nature for every movie. I know, it was pathetic...and now that mom-guilt is settling in thick. But seriously, I didn't get it. This kid was/is nothing like me. I love looking out the window and seeing the desert landscape....minus a few hours of Texas with nothing but ineffective windmills and oil rigs. Where did I go wrong in my raising Freddy that he is so heavily addicted to technology? I can't keep it away from him.

And the sad thing is, he behaves better when technology is on the line...and that breaks my heart a little bit. Cameron on the other hand could look out the window all day...singing and chatting to himself. He really is a cute little bug.

So I guess what I am saying is, technology really kills the dreams of what you have for your kids. You want them to grow up intelligent, intuitive, creative, full of energy, and driven. For one of my kids, technology sucks the life right out of him, and I will forever have to vigilant that Freddy wins that battle against himself. Any tips are welcome, but realize we do limit the time they spend...but I'm also not a perfect mom.

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